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11657) Lois Hansen
Brookings, Oregon
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This acknowledgement of Julie Adams acting career is waaaay late. I have enjoyed her performances over the years and was so glad to find her book "The Lucky Southern Star" which happened to be signed with a newspaper photo of her and son Mitch Danton.

I did not discover Julie (her book put us on a first name basis) until I saw her in Murder, She Wrote. Her performances there got me interested in what else she'd done and wow! was I impressed. Finding her book allowed me to put her career together a bit better and to find other movies she was in. Only then did I realize I'd been seeing her all my life in one show and another!

Thank you, Julie, for these last 20+ years of entertainment and this book of life stories. And thank you,Mitch Danton, for being who you are and helping your mom get this book written. It is, as is your mom, a gift. I'm sorry I completely missed writing this before she passed.I wish you, Mitch -- and your family -- the best.


Lois Hansen
:-) :-( ;-)
:o :D :p
:cool: :rolleyes: :mad:
:eek: :confused: :lol:

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