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158) Mike Winschel
Chesapeake, Virginia
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Hello! i am excited to see a site of your own, i found it while waiting for Creature from the Black Lagoon on AMC in a few hours. you were my first real 'crush' and i was only like 5 yrs old. i remember watching that movie on 'The Late Great Horror Show with Jim Cook' in Erie, Pa one saturday night in like 1980. the movie scared the crap outta me but i always remembered you! my first girlfriend, Mary Ann, resembled you so perfectly i still look at pictures of you and see her. my family says the same thing! ah if i were only born earlier...

you still look fantastic and im embarassed to find such a large body of work that i never knew about! i have some collecting to do i see.... eek!

its really been a dream come true writing to you and i really hope to meet you someday at a convention somewhere, that would just be a big kick!

best wishes forever from a lifetime fan,
:-) :-( ;-)
:o :D :p
:cool: :rolleyes: :mad:
:eek: :confused: :lol:

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