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171) Andrea Leigh Wolf
Fair Oaks, CA
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Hi Julie! I've been a fan of yours since I was a little girl and I saw you in The Creature From the Black Lagoon. I write to Ben and he's convinced me to send him a copy of my synopsis for a sequel for Creature. I know that they're making one sequel, but I've written a pretty good one, and Ben is waiting to read it. He's asked me to send two copies so he can give one to you. Hope you'll enjoy reading it. I was supposed to send it a while back, but while I was polishing, I found a whole in the story that I wanted to address. I think you're an amazing actress and I'm glad for your subsequent success. Best Retards, Andrea
:-) :-( ;-)
:o :D :p
:cool: :rolleyes: :mad:
:eek: :confused: :lol:

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