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255) Dr. Thomas Climo
Las Vegas, NV
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Ms. Adams,
I befriended your late husband Ronald Cohen; actually, to be fair, as I was suffering from severe culture shock -- an American returning to America after twenty years in England and Europe --, your husband's kindness shined through his invitation for me to attend with him various events, even if I hung in the back corner like a scared sparrow. Although I was at your home on one occasion, and met your son, you were asleep, and we did no disturb you. I read only recently of Ronald's passing, and hate myself for having forgotten him now that I am raising my own family -- a son Conor (11) and a daughter Allessandra (10). I know this belated acknowledgement does you or Ronald no good, but I hope you don't mind me airing it so that I can pay testimony to one of the good guys of Hollywood who had the good fortune to marry one of the good gals. If there is anyway I can assit you in the future, please contact me at:
:-) :-( ;-)
:o :D :p
:cool: :rolleyes: :mad:
:eek: :confused: :lol:

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