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727) Bill Jordan
Mobile, Alabama
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Dear Miss Adams, And I use the familiar address,
because you are dear to us now, as a part of our
memories of a time that we loved,
that won't come again.
That white swimsuit is now an American icon,
a memory we treasure like a family heirloom.
As an adolescent boy during that time,
I think I leapt into puberty that afternoon,
I believe it was a Tuesday, when I saw you in that suit.
You were the most delightful, and appealing creature
(not the guy with the fins).
Most certainly one of the most beautiful women
ever to grace the screen, you gave us many
hours of pleasure and starred with some
of the best actors in the business.
But it was not them we were looking at.
You and Rock Hudson, and Jimmy Stewart, and Charleton Heston.
Wonderful films, wonderful times. You and that lovely smile.
Thank you for all of that.
I hope this finds you happy and well.
:-) :-( ;-)
:o :D :p
:cool: :rolleyes: :mad:
:eek: :confused: :lol:

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