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751) Miestorm 
New York city
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Hello Julie
I just thought I would pop in and wish you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season, hope you are well and in good spirits!! busy right now in cold New York city puting up my lime green Christmas tree, watching X Files and sending out holiday greetings. I am still trying to find a way to get a screen capture of you being carried into the creatures cave lair wearing the dripping wet 2 piece outfit,once I get that screen capture, which I was told is possible, but a process, I would love to have you sign it for me.

I have many of the publicity shots from the movie, but, whenever your being kidnaped by the creature, your always wearing the white bathing suit that you wore in the film during your hipnotically beautiful water dance. I'm also waiting for your doll to create some of those famous movie shots, a great likeness, with many points of articulation and great hair for those fainted scenes: accessories include the two piece outfit, towel, the white publicity bathing suit, and some scale-size accessories, limited edition, numbered, and than signed by you, now that would be a really special Christmas present under the tree, if cause they would have to put out another Creature figure to go with the Julie Adams as Kay figure, a gift set would be totally amazing, and should come out right around the holiday time of what ever year the other movie called Creature from the black lagoon or is it Black lagoon? finally hits the big screen.
lov and kisses
your friend and fan
:-) :-( ;-)
:o :D :p
:cool: :rolleyes: :mad:
:eek: :confused: :lol:

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