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1001) Rob Bielarski 
Camp Hill, Pa.
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Dear Ms. Adams,

I wanted to say to you how much I have admired your acting style, stunning beauty & career longevity. I am 49yrs old & I have seen you over the years in movies & TV shows. One in particular you starred with Charlton Heston in which I thought you were extremely fantastic. Today, as a matter of fact I was watching Marcus Welby M.D. & you were the guest star named Claire I believe it was. You were in a troubled marriage & became pregnant. I enjoyed watching you so much & look forward to seeing you in past tv shows & films & any new appearances you may make.
All the best to you in the New Year & Thank You for all your contributions to the American film & TV industry.

Sincerely, Rob
:-) :-( ;-)
:o :D :p
:cool: :rolleyes: :mad:
:eek: :confused: :lol:

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