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193) claudio pereira
sao paulo - Brasil
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Dear Ms. Adams

I?m Cl?udio Pereira, a 44 years old brasilian fan of yours.

My firt contact with the movie ?The creature from the black lagoon? could be when I was 7 years old. At that time I already liked horror movies but unfortanetly my sisters didn?t let me watch that, they were afraid me not to sleep the next night...

For years I had some oportunities to watch the movie but I didn?t . I?m not sure if it?s because of the busy time or maybe a non interest in that moment.

Only now I?ve had contact with this movie in DVD and I regret haven?t watched before. A lot!!!!!!
Regret the lost time. Because just now I could meet the most beautiful actress in the world, and this feeling isn?t mine only, but million of fans? arround the globe.

I really tank you for you to exist Julie Adams and for generating the world moments of rare beauty with your interpretation acting beside great stars in several movies and series.

It?s a huge pleasure to contact you and it would give me great joy and it would be very important for me to receive an autographed picture of you and if it?s possible with a dedication on it. I have already choosen a photo in your web site and I?m already arranging everyting in order to get it.

Tank you.
:-) :-( ;-)
:o :D :p
:cool: :rolleyes: :mad:
:eek: :confused: :lol:

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