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895) Jose M. Pulido 
McAllen, TX
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Dear Ms. Julie Adams,

Throughout the decades (I'am 53)I had only ocassionally seen bits and pieces of "The Creature of The Black Lagoon" but last night I rented the movie and my mom and I finally watched every single frame of it; the movie is a classic; you and all the other actors performed flawlessly. I just felt bad for the four natives, two in the tent and the other two brothers in the boat the creature killed.
Overall, one can get the idea that the creature either liked you or he had no female crature to continue his species. You look so beautiful in the movie. We will always admire you and respect you for all you great work as a movie actress you have performed.
:-) :-( ;-)
:o :D :p
:cool: :rolleyes: :mad:
:eek: :confused: :lol:

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