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1649) Vaughan Burton
Robbinsville, NJ 08691
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Dear Miss Adams:

Thank you so much for the signed poster--and the extra poster that you included!

I really enjoy your work. I've hoped for a chance to meet you at Chiller Theatre here in N.J., but didn't know about the convention until fairly recently.

The Creature from the Black Lagoon is a favorite of mine. It is a beautifully filmed classic that transcends the horror genre. Your performance in the movie is extraordinary, and is the primary reason that the movie has endured.

Have a happy Easter weekend--and thanks again!

Vaughan Burton
Robbinsville, N.J.
1648) Jody Moore
Kingman, AZ
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I love your acting and you are absolutely a beautiful woman. Some of my favorites is The Andy Griffith Show The County Nurse and The Rifleman - Nora. I Love You!!
1647) Greg Phelps
Columbia, Kentucky
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Dear Ms. Adams

I am doing research on director-writer Montgomery Pittman who wrote the screenplay for "Slim Carter." I was wondering if you have any recollections of him that you would be willing to share.

Also, I bought an autographed copy of your book at the Old Statehouse Museum in Little Rock as a present for my wife. She loves it! I'm looking forward to reading it when she is finished.

I hope you and yours are well.


Greg Phelps
1646) kevin hill
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Dear Julia, Watching Creature From The Black Lagoon tonight. I still cringe when I see you swimming with the creature swimming under you. Hope your doing well. Your doing well. Your Fan Kevin. big grin
1645) Jim Powers
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wink Best wishes from Texas...
1644) Rick Kadunc
Bedevly Hills, FL 34465
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Dear Ms. Adams,

When the movie, The Creature of the Black Lagoon, can out and made it to the picture shows, I wanted to go. However, the billing was so good that my mother told me that I was too young to see the movie. She thought that I would have nightmares if I saw the movie. I was about seven (7) years old at that time.

Years later I did see the movie, and enjoyed it. With the fears of the 1950s of UFOs with space aliens, watching the movie in the 1980s and 1990s, made the Creature of the Black Lagoon a classic "camp" movie.

Reading your bio your career is amazing.

Sincerely yours,

Rick Kadunc
1643) Bart
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I built the "Rita", and found figures for my granddaughter's play set. Now on to making a lagoon and cave base.
1642) Victoria Smith
Olmsted Falls, Ohio
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Did you ever appear on the Jack Benny Show? My idea for the sketch would be The Creature From The Sunken Money Vault (Jack) falls for the gorgeous psychologist swimsuit model (you). You help him rehab, the two of you marry and live happily ever after.
1641) Bart Allen
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Huge fan, CFTBL IS my favorite movie.
1640) zac 
Pacific n west
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smile creature from the black lagoon on retro!
1639) Tom Beatty
Dayton Ohio
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Watching you in an episode of "The Big Valley" (The Emperor of Rice) right now on ME TV. You have always been one of my favorites> I hope this message finds you in good health. God bless you!
1638) Brenda
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Ms Adams. hope you are doing well. I still love watching your western movies most. Any chance of you attending the Western Festival this year in Kanab, Utah? Do you have a 2018 schedule yet. Would love to meet you in person.
God Bless you"!
1637) Don Croucher
El Segundo, California
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Hi Miss Adams
I've enjoyed your movies for years, my favorite movie is Bend Of The River, just wanted to thank you 😎😃
Don C
1636) Anthony Tipton
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Watching Creature from the black lagoon for the who knows how many times,beautiful lady and great actress, thank you
1635) Curt Biggers
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,l over this movie "Hollywood Story"It's fantastic and so are u-Curt in phoenix razz (stick out tongue)
1634) Susan Burch
Brewster, NY
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I always enjoy watching Julie Adams. I recently rediscovered her on episodes of Perry Mason. She is every so elegant and a fine actress.
1633) Michael
Melbourne, Australia
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Hi Julie & Mitchell,
I have just finished reading The Lucky Southern Star and I have to admit I was not expecting such a charming, heart warming, down to earth, funny and inspirational read. It's wonderful!
Thank you so much for going to the effort and sharing it with us.
Take care and I wish you and your families all the very best.
1632) Bennie Cameron
Rushville In 46173
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Love watching you in tv movies n wish I could get a 8x10 signed by you as I'm 71 n love looking at you.
1631) Mike Joly
Novato CA 94945
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Hello, Julie
You look wonderful & I am so happy you communicate so fully. I have several friends you acted with years ago whom I would love to connect you with. I am just a 70 yo retired fan but I think we both would enjoy talking. If you want, please email me a HELLO at Happy New Year & all the best. Thanks for ALL your great work. Mike Joly
1630) Robert conley
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Hi Julie, watching creature from the black lagoon. With Richard denning, Richard Carlson love this movie. God bless Julie happy newyear
1629) Jezreel Geworsky
Ardmore alberta, Canada
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Hello my name is Jezreel geworsky, and my dad's name is stewart Geworsky he wrote to you a few years ago. I just wanted to tell you that I am a massive fan. As a child I watched Creature from the BLack Lagoon with my dad. I still do. I'm truly your BIGGEST fan
Have a great day.

Sincerely: your BIGGEST fan Jezreel.
1628) craig evans
foothills of Colorado
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Dear Julia,

Am watching Creature from the Black Lagoon. Have enjoyed your many roles, especially in Bend of the River.
Just wanted to say hello and wish you well.

Thanks, Craig
1627) Gil
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Dear mrs Adams , hello! Big fan from way back! Love your movies and of course my favorite the creature from the black lagoon! Love watching it as a kid and my dad would always say don’t watch it you will get nightmares! Lol he was right ! I am requesting if you may an autograph photo? I thank you very much god bless and they just don’t make movies like that anymore! Gil Cunningham, 7 valley drive , pittsburg,ca,94565
1626) Becky
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To Ms. Adams and her son Mitch,

I can't thank you enough for the autograph replacement for my dear brother Andy. I'm saving it for his birthday and being that he is a HUGE fan, he'll just love it! He knows so much trivia on Ms. Adams' career, that he never ceases to amaze us! I know he will truly treasure the autograph! Many thanks again for your kindness.

Becky smile
1625) Gary Kass
Staten Island,NY
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Happy New Year Ms. Adams! Thanks for remembering all your fans all these years!
1624) James Thomas
Chesapeake Va
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Julie I am Frans cousin that lives in Fl. I have enjoyed her stories that she shared with me about when you and she were young. Happy New year big grin
1623) Garry Townsley
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I absolutely fell in love with you when I watched Bend of the River years ago. You are a very beautiful woman!
1622) Devon leesley
Council bluffs iowa
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I tried sending you something using your address. Didn't work. Wrong address.
1621) Mike Jones
Patriot, Indiana
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I loved your character in Andy Griffith and also Nora on the Rifleman! You had so much beauty, strength and character on the set!
1620) Matt Risch 
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(Extra) special thanks to Miss Adams!!
1619) Matt Risch 
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Hi again Julie. I just received my photo of your jungle tree swimsuit pose and the personalization to me. How perfect!! I was so lucky to meet you then, and even to meet Dick Van Dyke and get his autograph when he was here at the Phoenix Comicon a few months ago. Also, a special thanks goes out to your promotional assistant Mitch, whom you have apparently known very well for his entire life!! Best wishes to you always and a Happy New Year to everyone.
1618) Rebecca Wolf
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Dear Mr. Danton & Ms. Adams,

I just received my autographed picture (#11) and I really love it. Although a great fan myself I was ordering the picture for my brother "Andy". He is a huge fan! I am disabled and finding a blank picture & getting a money order is not readily available to me. The web site to order the picture had no option to insert my brother's name as to who the autograph should go to. I am stumped. Is there a way to order another autograph for my brother Andy?

Many thanks,
Rebecca Wolf
1617) Linda E Ables
Acworth Georgia
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Hello Miss Adams,

This is my first time writing to you. I have been a long time fan. My mother loved you too.
Just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family.

Love you,

Linda E Ables
1616) Elmo Rocko
Buenos Aires- ARGENTINA
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Good afternoon Mrs. Adams, I am a journalist from a film magazine in Buenos Aires- ARGENTINA and I want to do a journalistic interview. The magazine is called CINEFICCION and specializes in cult films, in my country we are many of its fans and it would be a joy for our readers if you accept this journalistic report. - If you agree, I sent you some questions to answer when you have time. Many thanks.
1615) ronald plummer, ed.d
North Carolina
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What a wonderful actress and amazing presence on television, movies and events!
As a Southern lady, she always knew to be unique rather than imitate in order to be remembered.

Wherever she graced the venue, she left a beautiful and talented mark! An original!
1614) Abraham Delgado
Chicago, IL
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Just wanted to say hello to one of the most beautiful actresses of my have never been forgotten! I loved you in that Perry Mason episode: "The Case of the Lovers Leap" - it just aired here today and you were marvelous in it!!
Thank you for the great memories!!

1613) Edward Morley
Lakenheath in Suffolk... Engla
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Dearest Julie.. Just wanted to say hi and thank you for all the wonderful entertainment you have given me to watch over the years. I sincerely hope that this message finds you well and hope you have many good years ahead of you. Sincere best wishes always Edward xx
1612) Dan Finnegan
Ambridge, PA
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Hello Miss Adams… Just finished watching "bend in the river" on TCM. Thoroughly enjoyed it… Hope you're well.
1611) Pam Stephens
North Little Rock, AR
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Hello Julie Adams. I am watching you in Bend of the River. My daughter and I had the pleasure of meeting you and your son in Little Rock a few years ago. I enjoyed reading your autobiography. Your son reminded me so much of his father.
1610) Doug Underwood
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Hello pretty lady. I can't believe I'm communicating with you! Love your work, but I've always been a sci-fi freak, and Creature From The Black Lagoon is one of my all-time favorites! I watch it at least once a year. Love, love, love the bathing suit scenes! Take care, and I hope you're happy and healthy. Bye for now.
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