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1529) David
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Just love the 50s horror good to see you still in the spotlight!
1528) Scott Peters
Mason Ohio
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58 yr old 5'10" 165lb fan would love to take you out to dinner. Any place, any time for friendly conversation
1527) Lynn
Dallas, TX
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I recently re-watched "Creature from the Black Lagoon" on TCM. It is always great fun and most enjoyable to see that film!

I am a big Perry Mason fan and especially enjoy the 4 episodes featuring Julie Adams. In fact, of all 271 episodes of the show, my very favorite is "The Case of the Fatal Fortune." Great story, great acting, and Julie Adams was GORGEOUS!

Best wishes,
Dallas, TX
1526) Alan Ray
Fayetteville, Tennessee
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Hello Miss Julie,

I'm Alan Ray. I am so happy to learn you are still on this Earth, it is a much prettier world with you in it.

Just last night I watched "The Lawless Breed" and once more was struck by your natural acting ability and your intense beauty.

Since growing up in the 50's with "The Creature From The Black Lagoon" branded into my psyche,I have been a lifelong fan holding a lifelong Crush (with all due respect Ma'am).

Anyway, I plan to order a big poster as soon as I decide which one. I am thrilled by the mere thought of an autographed Poster from you.

Thank you for all those wonderful Westerns and for all the movies you blessed us with.

Oh, there is a typo on your Guest Book Site. I received an error message that read "Sorry, you posted to soon". That correctly should read, "TOO soon".

Kindest Regards,

1525) Mike Nordloh
Union, Ky
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Thank you for the talent provided in an illustrious career!

What a graceful display of swimming in The Creature from the Black Lagoon as I've just watched after a 40 year hiatus. It's not supposed to look that easy, so you have more than just acting talent.

Best Wishes,
1524) L.E. Smith 
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Ms. Adams, it is a pleasure and an honor to post on your website. I have followed your wonderful career since childhood, and have admired your characters, most notably Kay in Creature from the Black Lagoon. As a scientist cruising down the Amazon River, she demonstrates a professional demeanor, giving way to her being targeted by the Creature, who makes her the heroine by film's end. I feel this was start of something wonderful for you. Also, I admired your TV work as well, especially on Perry Mason as his only convicted client. Thank you for entertaining the public, and may God bless you.
1523) Al
Metuchen, NJ
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Just saw "The Creature" for the first time since I was a kid. Loved it. Great job!

1522) Steve Lemons
Bloomington Illinois
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Just watched The Creature from the Black lagoon on TCM. I have always loved that film and especially how beautiful you are in it and your wonderful performance. I have seen several of your other films over the years and always loved seeing you. You were a very fine actress and one of the loveliest actresses of the 50's and 60's. I hope you are doing well.
1521) Liz Conforti
Irwin, PA
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Watching Creature From Black Lagoon and thoroughly enjoying it! What a wonderful career you have had! Thank you for your artistry and entertaining millions over the years! Talented and beautiful!
1520) Dan Lovaglio
Saratoga Springs, New York
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Like everyone who was first introduced to you through your film, Creature from The Black Lagoon and was just memorized by your stunning beauty and you are as beautiful today. God Bless You!
I will be ordering your book and would it be possible to autograph it for me?

Thank you,

Daniel J. Lovaglio
1519) Jan
Southern Tier, NY
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Julie, I've had such a crush on you since I was a teenager and saw you "Creature from the Black Lagoon". Went on to watch many of your movies. Now in my 60's and still have that crush on you. God Bless. Jan
1518) Brian LAMICA
Eastern united states
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Love your movies. My favorite is creature from the black lagoon.
1517) Richard Fah
Las Vegas, NV
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Hi Julie; Just watched you on the Rifleman ("Nora")and wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed seeing you. I remember seeing you a lot on my black and white TV as a kid (I was born in 1950)and I just wanted to send best wishes to you and thanks for the memories! wink
1516) Dennis Thompson
Des Moines, Iowa
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Hi Julie! I hope you are well and enjoying life. I got a book from you in 2012 but it and some others were stolen from me, so I am ordering another. You had a truly incredible career working with the most outstanding people, including my favorite, Jimmy Stewart. If you are ever in the Midwest I would certainly like to meet you in person. Thanks for all the fine entertainment you have given us over the years, we all enjoy your performances. May you have a great summer and Thank You Julie!
1515) dan vogan
bemus point ny
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always enjoyed you and peggy mccay on andy grifith show and that npicture from the black lagoon is smoking hot -- I am 65 and live in western ny on lake Chautauqua - a fan dan vogan
1514) Jeanne
Minneapolis, Minnesota
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Never saw Creature from Black Lagoon but saw you in so many other things and always enjoyed your work. It was fun to see that you were born Betty Adams, which was my mother's name (she was born in 1934). Wishing you well and good health
1513) Christer Jansson
Landskrona / Sweden
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Best wishes from Christer Jansson from the city of Landskrona / Sweden
1512) Greg brubaker
Charleston, wv
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You are a beautiful woman and a fine actress. Thank you for your wonderful performances over the years!
1511) M blinn 
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Ronald M Cohen died 19 years ago today. He is well-remembered by me with respect and gratitude. Mr. Cohen was your loving partner for many years. Yet there's not a scrap of appreciation for him by this website or "your" book.
1510) Rob Rue
Lafayette, LA
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Hi Ms. Adams. Saw you on an episode of "The Andy Griffith Show" last night and recognized you immediately. You are truly one of the prettiest ladies to grace the silver scree!
1509) Robert W Riley
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I am almost finished reading your book and I am really enjoying it! Your book is special because I have watched your tv work my entire life. I thought the Big Valley episode the Emperor of Rice was great. When I start watching a tv show and I see you are in it I know I am going to enjoy it. Thank You for all your great performances. Robert Riley
1508) Noel Hilton
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Miss Julie Adams,
I just watched "Creature from the Black Lagoon" on my 3D HDTV and the movie was really great in that format. You are beautiful!
Thank you.
1507) J K Davis 
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You are a great actress and I have enjoyed your movies over the years.
1506) keith liaros
greenville nc
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Just received the photo I ordered. Couldn't be happier. I can't wait to frame and display it. I want to thank you for making these treasures available to your fans and thank you for the bonus.
Eternally your fan, Keith
1505) Richard Kilgo
Corona, CA
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I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed your performances and wanted to say thank you for so many great memories. If you can reply, I'd like to know of Glen Ford was as nice a person as he appeared to be. Thank You again.
1504) Bill Nelson
South Haven
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Julie, I am a true fan. Please respond to this message if you can. I would be privileged to hear from you. Best forever, Bill
1503) Jeff Ferrie
Waterloo ,IA
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Thank you smile
1502) Willie Obermann
Fredericktown, Missouri
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Thank you for entertaining us for so many years. Thank you for your contribution to movie lovers everywhere!
1501) Jack France
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Feeling kind of embarrassed here. I've just ordered a copy of "The Lucky Southern Star" with personal dedication., but I don't see where to contact to communicate the "free picture of your choice". Also, when I hit "PAY NOW" I had no payment options other than Pay Pal, which is fine , but that account is in my proper name "John" and not the name I would prefer on the personal dedication, which would be "Jack". Thanks, Huge fan here, planning on visiting the Wakulla Springs filming location of Creature from the Black Lagoon very soon.
1500) keith liaros
greenville nc
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What a treat to find your web site. Have been a huge fan forever. I ordered one of your photos #16 the b&w of you swimming over the creature. I cant wait to display it. Could you please sign it to keith ?
Thanks in advance and for hours of viewing pleasure.
Always your fan,keith
185 Deauville Blvd 11726
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Miss Adams

It is sheer delight watching you on Perry Mason! I recently saw you in of course CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON. I have been following your career on TV for many years. You to me are a woman of class, dignity and talent and blessed of course in the looks department , I ordered your book with autograph. Hope soon to enjoy every page. Wishing Health and Happiness always!
Mark Maurer
1498) Don Houlding
Eagan, MN.
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Ms. Adams,

I just wanted to say thank you for the wonderful work you have done. I am watching a "Rifleman" re-run as I am writing this. I remember you well in "Bend Of The River" also.

I will bet you have some great stories about the other great actors you've known and worked with.

Again, many thanks....

1497) Susan
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I love this site - its so usefull and helpfull.
1496) Phillip Tudor
Ware Shoals, SC
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Originally from England. Came to States in 1979.
Thanks for helping me get over my fear of inoculations. (Country nurse, Andy Griffith)
Bless You.
1495) Brad
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Thoroughly enjoyed your book. I remember actually meeting you in the early 70's (introduced by our mutual friend Richard Steele-Reed who had just directed me in HELLO DOLLY) - in person your magic was the same as on screen. What a body of work!
1494) Jon Sansom
Redondo Beach
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Watching the Andy Griffith Show, never realized you were in the Creature of the Black Lagoon! My grandfather was a producer for Allied Artist, made some wonderful films. Day of the Triffids, Queen of Outer Space, Crack in the World. I hope this finds you well.

Your fan,
1493) John S. 
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I watched 'Private War' for the first time, it was wonderful! You were fantastic in it!!
1492) Ben Hileman 
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smile from a fellow Iowan from Waterloo, You're a wonderful actress!
1491) Glenn A Briskie
Rochester NY
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Thrilled to find this website!Bought 2 photos. Please sign B&W of just you in swim suite to Glenn. Just sign the one of you and creature,no inscription please. Thanks a million and love you in the Night Stalker,s Mr. Ring! Glenn
1490) Joanne Schneller
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I have been privileged to have seen you on so many television shows over the years as well as most of your movies. My Dad was an avid wester fan and as a youngster, I saw you on TV and told him how.beautiful you were and what a wonderful and velvety voice you had. His response was that you were one of the "lovliest ladies" on TV. I agreed. I admired the fact that you always had such a grand presenice, very elegant and lady-like. You always looked stunning to me. I appreciated it. I admire it until today. My very best wishes to you. You made the many times I viewed your various shows a great pleasure.
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