Name |
Comments |
449) |
claudinho | |
Location: sao paulo - brasil |
448) |
claudinho | |
Location: sao paulo - brasil |
Hi Julie,
I watched your interview on monsterpalooza convention and i realized that along with your beauty you have a special shine in your eyes that makes everyone admire you more and more.kisses from your Brazilian fan,
447) |
Jennifer Pittman | |
Location: Arizona |
I believe we are related. My dad is John Pittman and his parents names are Dorthy and Karl Pittman. I would love to hear from you.
446) |
Walter Turner | |
Location: Oakland, CA |
I couldn't possibly exaggerate the magnitude of the crush I had on Julie Adams when I was 16 - which was way back in 1967. I remember mailing her a fan letter around that time and getting back a photo with a personal note. Major thrill. I'm happy to know she is still active - and still as beautiful as ever.
445) |
John Boudreau | |
Location: Kumamoto , Japan |
Hello from Japan !
Sitting here at 10 p.m. watching an old Hawaiian Eye episode entitled Robinson Kiyoto in which you starred . Had a big crush on you when I was a kid , having seen you in various movies and tv shows . Hope this missive finds you well .
Fondest , John
444) |
Bruce Mayer | |
Location: Sumter, SC |
Hi Julie, My favorite apperance of you on TV - next to "The Creature From The Black Lagoon" was your role as the nurse on The Andy Griffith show! I don't know why that stands out - it was such a minor role compared to many of your others - but it just does. Keep up the wonderful work! All the best!
443) |
anthony |
, : Host:
dear julie,
glad to see you have a website. i enjoyed you very much on the jimmy stewart show. i was disappointed that it was on for only one season. i hope you're doing well and hope to see more of you on tv or in films.
442) |
Location: Sparta,Tn |
As life-long fan of the creature,I applaud your work!You are a beautiful and talented woman!
441) |
John Vidan | |
Location: Tacoma, WA |
I enjoyed the Western movie called ".....Hawk" I believe it came out in the mid-fifies. Great Western movie.
Wishing you the best.
440) |
Mark Chavarria | |
Location: Houston, Texas |
Hello Miss Julie Adams,
Thank you for letting me sign your guest book. I will ask for an autograph later. My father introduced this movie, "Creature from the Black Lagoon" years ago, and now I sit here, with my 14 year old introducing it to him. I love the classice such as this one. This is when Hollywood made good movies. I like them so much when I was a kid, I decided at an early age to get into the film business myself. I have been a stuntman/ coordinator for nearly 20 years. Thanks for all and keep up the good work !
439) |
Jason Jones | |
Location: Louisville, KY |
Ms. Adams,
I had the pleasure of meeting you in 2004 at the Wonderfest convention in Louisville Kentucky, along with your Creature co-stars Ricou Browning and Ben Chapman.
You were gracious, poised, beautiful, and charming; everything I expected. It was quite a thrill to meet you and if you ever are in the Louisville area again for an appearance, I will bend over backwards for another chance to shake your hand.
438) |
Channing Hitchcock | |
Location: Fresno |
HI....was just viewing "The man from the Alamo,...Glenn Ford and Yourself...
Thought about the many movies and your acting career...
Thanks for the work,
Regards, I was 1 when the movie was released..
437) |
Patrick Kendall | |
Location: Pleasant Grove, Utah |
Hi Julie!
It was a pleasure meeting you at Monsterpalooza in Burbank at the end of May! Thanks for taking the time to sign my artwork and for the photo! Creature from the Black Lagoon will always be my favorite horror movie, and I am thrilled that I was able to meet you! Take care and best wishes!
-Patrick Kendall
436) |
robert | |
Location: daytona beach, florida |
Dear Julia, thank you for all of your movies. You are absolutely the most beautiful brunette that ever graced the silver screen.
435) |
Urla Hill | |
Location: San Jose, CA |
Julie Adams is absolutely one of the most beautiful women to walk this earth . . .
434) |
Ben | |
Location: UK |
Dear Miss Adams
Poor creature all he wanted was to be closer to you. And who can blame him!!!
Ben X
433) |
L.R. (Bob) Lunsford | |
Location: Atlanta, Georgia |
Dear Miss Adams,
I have adored you for 50 years now.
Even watching you jilt the Gillman and later breaking poor Hoss' heart has not swayed me from my loyal fanship.
Thank you -
Sincerely Yours,
432) |
Stan Knight | |
Location: Spring, Texas |
I sure hope you read this. I have had a crush on you since I was 15. Have seen many of your movies and TV performances. Thanks for all of the enjoyment you have given me thru my lifetime. I regret that I never got to see you in person.
Your fan forever,
Stan Knight
431) |
Ralph |
, : Host:
Already admire your work and I've only just seen a few. I'm very impressed.
You gave quite a memorable performance in "Bend of the River" w/ J. Stewart as well as in "Private War of Major Benson" comedy w/ Heston. I also recently saw you in "Bonanza- Courtship" and of course the Elvis film "Tickle Me."
Perhaps Budd Boetticher's "Wings of the Hawk" can be released on DVD sometime in the future? Can't find a single copy anywhere and I'm dying to see it. I'm only 18 and such a rare Western film need to be rereleased to a new generation.
A very beautiful and underrated actress indeed.
Best wishes and good health!
430) |
James Hagenbeek | |
Location: The Netherlands |
The movie Creature From the Black Lagoon i've seen for several times when I was a little boy of 7/8 years old (1957/1958). I was very fond of you (and still do). One day in 1993 I was in Australia and bought a video. Just a few day's ago my eldest sun bought me a DVD of this movie. He said: "Now you can watch your 'thriller' in a modern way."
Bye, bye,
yours truly,
James Hagenbeek
429) |
Fred Wells | |
Location: Pensacola, FL |
last week I was in Universal Studios in LA. They were making up an area for "Creature from the Black Lagoon, the Musical", opening in July. I may fly back just to see it. I have a call in for Ginger Stanley in Orlando to tell her.
Fred Wells
428) |
Rodney Stewart | |
Location: San Diego,Ca |
My father used to stay up late with me on Friday nights to watch monster movies. This took place in Rockford, Illinois on Channel 13's 'Dimension 13". I will never forget my first viewing of Creature from the Black Lagoon. Your image has stuck with me ever since!
427) |
david m. Russell |
Location: Houston, Texas |
, : Host:
Hi Julia,
I'm the artist that drew yours, Ginger Stanley's and Ben Chapman's portraits. I met you at the 2003 Creature convention in Florida.
I was so sorry to here of Ben's passing. I know you were probably fairly close after all the years of conventioning together.
Anyway, I just want to say 'Hi' from Texas and NASA and hope you're doing well.
David M. Russell
426) |
Roy Mainville | |
Location: Mullica Hill, NJ |
Hi Ms. Adams, I just finished watching the episode of Maverick that you were in when you played Belle. You were and still are a beautiful woman and a wonderful actor. I just wanted to let you know that I've always enjoyed your performances. God bless you in all of your future endeavors! Peace, Roy Mainville
425) |
Michael Walters | |
Location: Michigan USA |
Dear Miss Adams,
I cant tell you how much I hqave enjoyed your work. Especailly the westerns. Iam also glad I am able to tell you this in this mail. Its a big thrill for me to know your still continuing your career. Thank you very much for the wonderful work your doing and continuing.
Michael Walters
424) |
Wiley Knott | |
Location: Warner Robins, GA |
Just started to watch The Man From The Alamo and saw you in it. I have always thought you were one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. So I looked you up to see how old you were and found your site. I love your work. I had no idea you were older then me until now. I am 71. Best of everything.
423) |
steve | |
Location: ohio |
love your movies
422) |
Darryl Sanders | |
Good luck with your career endeavors
421) |
Dennis Larson | |
Location: Idaho |
I hope you recall Teddy, your son from the Jimmy Stewart show. It is me and would like to see if we can put together a reunion of sort with Jonathan, Ellen, Kirby and yourself this summer. Does your schedule allow that. Let me know. Still love you mom.
420) |
Larry Tooley | |
Location: Centralia, Illinois |
Thank God for beautiful women, Julia. Not only the creature wanted you. Thank you for dressing out the many other great movies!!!!
Every time I go fishing I tell my buddy we are going to catch the Creature From The Black Lagoon. Then we decide YOU are the one to catch!!
419) |
Kathleen | |
Location: United States |
Miss Adams, you truly are a beautiful woman and a wonderful career that seems to not have ended at all! How many of us can say that?!!!
418) |
Emily Alexander | |
Location: Ames, Iowa |
I recently saw you on The Andy Griffith
Show as the Country Nurse and you were
never more gorgeous. I want to thank you
so much for all you have given us whom
adore you. You have so much to be proud
of as The Lord has truly blessed you.
Not in just appearance but great acting
ability. I'm sure I speak for millions
who are unaware of your website.
417) |
Bruce Whittles | |
Location: Glastonbury, Connecticut |
Hi Julie: You're such an enduring and good actress! I would love for you to inscribe and sign one of your photos for me. I'll love you even more, and you'll hearten this 76-year-old to no end! I'm Bruce Whittles, P.O. Box 959, Glastonbury, CT 06033. THanks, my dear.
416) |
eddie edwards | |
Location: harrow greater london |
hi julie, loved you in the westerns you did was a lot younger then i think i read that you were a good swimmer. health and happiness always.eddie.
415) |
christopher Herron | |
Location: Alabama |
I loved the movie Creature from the Black lagoon, You seemed to be such a nice lady and your very pretty also.GOD bless you
414) |
Tom Pinsonneault | |
Location: Georgia |
The autograped photo i asked for arrived today! Looks great! Thank you so much...that really made my day!
Love and best wishes,
Tom xoxo
413) |
Ron Ruffier | |
Location: Clarksville TN |
I have always enjoyed seeing Miss Adams perform. Her beauty and class always captures the screen and the hearts of many men. Being retired from the military and at the age of 63 I have been blessed to still see her in televion and movie roles. Thanks.
412) |
Kurt Sumption | |
Location: Saint Peter Minnesota |
Dear Julie,
I just watched an old Maverick show on Encore Westerns where you played a character named Belle Morgan. You were always one of my favorite actresses. God Bless.
Sincerely,Kurt Sumption
411) |
Jerry | |
Location: Braman, OK |
I just watched you in a episode of Cheyenne. It was an episode involving Custer. You were and I'm sure you still are a very beautiful and talented woman.
This episode was on the Encore Westerns channel. You have been a very busy woman.
Best of luck, Jerry
410) |
greg zetts | |
Location: Maryland |
I remember so many years ago watching the Creature from the Black Lagoon and being scared out of my little 8 year old mind. That was a long time ago, now I have 5 kids of my own. I appreciate your career and your diligence to continue in it for so long. I do pray for you Julie that you would know the Love of the heavenly father and his wonderful Son who died for us. Shalom I bless and honor you today. Affectionately, Greg Z